Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dating 101:

Dating 101:

           In class today we talked about dating and how it has changed so much in the years. It’s crazy to think how much it will change in the future years as well. Being on campus around BYU-Idaho you may see quite a bit of dating but you may also see a lot and when I say a lot I mean it a lot of hanging out. That’s just what happens up here people would rather hang out then go on a date. I’m not saying all hanging out is bad, but we should have limits on hanging out. Being up here for nearly three years you see the differences there may be some guys who just love dating and then the others who would rather sit at home and play video games. Now I know I can’t place all the blame on the boys that just wouldn’t be fair… girls could take some initiative and ask a guy out. But how many girls feel comfortable doing that? I can say that I don’t it gives you a feel of how hard it is for a guy to ask you out.

          We learn that we will marry who we date and that we shouldn’t wait to be found we need to put forth the effort to be found. There are steps that we talked about in class and they are: 1-know 2- time 3- be worthy of a good person and 4- inspiration. We also learned the functions of dating: 1- Recreation 2- Intimacy and Companionship 3- Mate Selection 4- Status attainment 5- Socialization. There are so many studies out there on dating and hanging out that we learn the importance of what we should do and steps to help us along the way. 

          There are laws of attraction which are 1- Physical Attraction 2- propinquity 3- similarity we are also given the 1- know-quo 2- time (3-6 months) 3- Togetherness (shared activities) 4- Talk (Mutual self-disclosure) we have been learning so much about dating, doesn’t it want to make you jump off your bed or couch or wherever you are sitting right now and get started even if it can be hard and challenging? It may be so worth your time and effort you may even find the love of your life.

          The next thing we discussed was LOVE : there are 4 things that tie in with love and they are 1- Dating 2- Courtship 3- Engagement 4- Marriage. We learn that as we start dating that you can DTR (define the relationship along the way) so you each know a little more than just flying by the seat of your pants.

          Hopefully you have all learned a little more about Dating and Married life, now get out there and start dating. Happy Dating and Good Luck!! J

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